Myopia Quiz

What is My Child’s Risk – Myopia (Nearsightedness) Risk in Children

Take our short quiz to know about your child’s risk for myopia, or if their nearsightedness is going to worsen. By answering these questions, you’ll find out the risk of progressive myopia in your child and how you can help them.

Myopia Quiz

Age when you got your first glasses?
Is your Ethnic background Asian or Jewish?
Family members are nearsighted?
How many hours do you spend outdoors every day?
How many hours do you spend on the computer, or tablet, reading books, testing?
Does your family consider you a Bookworm?
Do you experience eyestrain when working on the computer?
If you wear glasses, do you leave them on when reading?
Current Spectacle RX
Currently wearing glass or CLS

Your Results

Discussing Your Results and Treatment Plan

Thank you for completing our myopia risk assessment. Your responses will assist our eye doctors at The Lotus Eye Care in understanding your vision needs better. Expect a follow-up from our team to discuss your results and explore personalized treatment options tailored to your needs.

Learn More About Myopia